On behalf of the Stamford Republican Town Committee, we wish everyone a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day! May your day be filled with luck, joy, and celebration.
#StPatricksDay #StamfordRTC #Connecticut
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Join us for The Lincoln Dinner 2025 hosted by Stamford RTC!
Keynote Speaker: Hon. Erin Stewart, Mayor of New Britain.
Date: April 26, 2025 | Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Knights of Columbus, 507 Shippan Ave, Stamford, CT 06902.
Tickets are now on sale!
$100 per ticket | $1,000 VIP ticket | $1,200 per table
Purchase your tickets here: secure.anedot.com/stamfordrtc/2025lincolndinner
#stamfordrepublicans #g
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Join CT169Strong for an important Legislative Update on Sunday, March 16, from 7-8:30 p.m. to learn about 2025’s MANY bad bills that threaten local control and responsible development in Connecticut!
These bills could erode local land use oversight, end public hearings, and push extreme density without addressing infrastructure needs.
Speakers include:
• Alexis Harrison, Moderator (Fairfield, CT16
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Calling the public to testify against bad bills! Read more in the newsletter below
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Another Bad Bill & Join our Webinar this SUNDAY!
Dear Friends & Supporters of Local Control: Hope this finds you well. We wanted to share few updates: Housing Committee: P&D Committee: The P&D Committee held a meeting on 3/7 and moved 19 Bills ou...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Raw Deal? How Sen. Fonfara’s company got $1 million in PURA penalties
“Frankly, in my 10 years in legislature, there’s few days where I’ve been angrier or more upset about the process and how we ultimately got here today, and how things were negotiated in dark rooms,” said Sen. Stephen Harding (R-Brookfield). “What was done in the dark of night, in the 11th hour, to get certain people to vote yest
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Join us for the Stamford Republican Town Committee’s 2025 meetings, every second Wednesday of the month at 7 PM.
Let’s work together to shape Stamford !
All meetings will be held at the Stamford Government Center, 888 Washington Blvd. See you there!
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Join the Stamford RTC in 2025
The Stamford Republican Town Committee is looking for passionate individuals to get involved in 2025. Whether you want to run for office , serve on boards
, or support our local efforts
, there’s a place for you to make an impact. Join us today by emailing stamfordrtcinfo@gmail.com!
#StamfordRepublicans #GetInvolved #StamfordGOP #2025 #Election #s
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The Planning & Development Committee will be meeting tomorrow, Monday, March 10th at 10:30 AM. There are 5 MORE bills of concern that need your written or remote testimony - we have summaries and draft testimony below.
Remember, there is power in numbers and we need your help to support local control of zoning and housing policy.
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Sign up by 3PM today for Hearing TOMORROW!
th zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cjwwHaQ9ROenvq3utQFn6w#/registration Bills to Pay Attention To & Submit Testimony on Tomorrow www.cga.ct.gov/aspx/CGATestimonySub/CGAtestimonysubmission....0 CommentsComment on Facebook

Our mission is to create an organization and platform from which Republican candidates can draw vital resources to launch, grow, and sustain successful campaigns.
All Stamford Citizens
We will cement a positive, conservative social media and online presence that will educate our followers in fact and reality. We will solicit the opinions and concerns of our fellow Republicans, and of all Stamford citizens, by creating a portal through which information pertinent to preserving our American way of life can be shared.
Above all, we will recruit, support, and elect Republicans to city, state, and federal office.
The duties and powers of the RTC include,
but are not limited to:
Setting Republican policy and directing election campaigns, with each Town Committee Member responsible for administering the campaign within his or her District.
Informing the public about the performance of City government and local courts, and all related matters.
Encouraging voter registration and youth participation.
Sponsoring and encouraging constructive legislation and party activities.

05 / FUNDS
Administering party funds.