

The Road to taking back CT starts in Stamford.

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Photos from State Senator Rob Sampson's post ... See MoreSee Less

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Tonight register to learn more about the Stamford Harbor.

Register here:

#HeyStamford #stamfordct#stamfordgop
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Tonight register to learn more about the Stamford Harbor. 

Register here: 

#heystamford #stamfordct#stamfordgop

On behalf of the Stamford Republican Town Committee, we wish everyone a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day! May your day be filled with luck, joy, and celebration. 🍀

#StPatricksDay #StamfordRTC #Connecticut
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On behalf of the Stamford Republican Town Committee, we wish everyone a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day! May your day be filled with luck, joy, and celebration. 🍀 

#StPatricksDay #StamfordRTC #Connecticut

Join CT169Strong for an important Legislative Update on Sunday, March 16, from 7-8:30 p.m. to learn about 2025’s MANY bad bills that threaten local control and responsible development in Connecticut!

These bills could erode local land use oversight, end public hearings, and push extreme density without addressing infrastructure needs.

Speakers include:
• Alexis Harrison, Moderator (Fairfield, CT169Strong)
• Kathryn Braun, Land Attorney & TPZ Commissioner
• Senator Jeff Gordon (35th District)
• Maria Weingarten (New Canaan BOF & Affordable Housing Committee)

REGISTER HERE: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r-ZPIorOS8O6kcejlKwN_A#/registration

Protect your town. Stay informed. Make your voice heard!

#StamfordRepublicans #GetInvolved #StamfordGOP #2025 #Election #stamford #stamfordctmoms #connecticut #republicans #gop #ctgop #downtownstamford #stamfordlocal #stamfordfoodie #heystamford #stamfordliving #stamfordfamilies #stamfordkids #republicanparty #redwave2025 #voterepublican #connecticutrepublicans #CT #connecticuthomes #goodmorningconnecticut #connecticutsmallbusiness
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Join CT169Strong for an important Legislative Update on Sunday, March 16, from 7-8:30 p.m. to learn about 2025’s MANY bad bills that threaten local control and responsible development in Connecticut!

These bills could erode local land use oversight, end public hearings, and push extreme density without addressing infrastructure needs.

Speakers include:
 • Alexis Harrison, Moderator (Fairfield, CT169Strong)
 • Kathryn Braun, Land Attorney & TPZ Commissioner
 • Senator Jeff Gordon (35th District)
 • Maria Weingarten (New Canaan BOF & Affordable Housing Committee)

REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r-ZPIorOS8O6kcejlKwN_A#/registration

Protect your town. Stay informed. Make your voice heard!

#StamfordRepublicans #GetInvolved #StamfordGOP #2025 #Election #stamford #stamfordctmoms #connecticut #republicans #gop #ctgop #downtownstamford #stamfordlocal #stamfordfoodie #heystamford #stamfordliving #stamfordfamilies #stamfordkids #republicanparty #redwave2025 #voterepublican #connecticutrepublicans #CT #connecticuthomes #goodmorningconnecticut #connecticutsmallbusiness


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